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#237003 The.day.he.came.to.camden (Amy's places as they are today)

Posted by the.day.he.came.to.camden on 03 December 2022 - 07:22 PM

Hello! My name is Federico, I live in Rome and have traveled to London (2 times in this 2022) to find and replicate the places and shots where Amy is present. I put some photos of my project to better understand what I mean and what I did, many other photos are on my Instagram page

"the.day.he.came .to.camden"

I hope you like all this (open photos for better quality)...let me know what you think!







  • Gus×Wino, Uno, melnyk and 8 others like this

#237245 Belgrade and Librium

Posted by blacktoypoodle on 25 January 2023 - 02:41 AM

Does anyone else find it strange that Raye didn't know that Amy couldn't drink on Librium, a medication that you absoloutely cannot drink on and can lead to serious consequences (as we saw)? My only guess was that he didn't know she was taking it, which is even weirder to me that her manager didn't know the medication his client was on. It just blows my mind that Tyler says the only reason she was able to get a drink that night was because he stepped out of the room. Why was he the only one who knew she was taking it, even though he says she couldn't drink on that tour because of insurance??

There's just so many questions about that night that I still feel are unanswered. Was Amy pushed on stage or was she helped on like Tyler said? Did she go on stage with her makeup originally done? Because I saw pictures of her hair and makeup perfectly done, but the majority of pictures of that night, she looks a mess.

If anyone has what they feel is the truth about that night, please share.
  • Amy Legend and TakeTheBox03 like this

#237179 Shirley Baxter/Amy facebook account

Posted by _Sailor_ on 08 January 2023 - 08:53 PM

I ran across a post on instagram with screenshots from Amy's fb account and users in the comments saying they still have her in their friends list. 


I know her twitter account has been deleted recently but does any of you still have access to her old fb? 

Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_2005.jpg
  • IMG_2004 2.jpg

  • SMiLESounds and pennyformythoughts like this

#237381 Inedit fragment at Glasto 08?

Posted by amyinourhearts on 06 March 2023 - 02:18 AM

Does anyone remember this part from the Glasto show? I watched the whole performance, and for some reason I don't remember which song she is introducing here.

Here you have the reel. Please just focus on the first part
  • JadedHearts likes this

#223924 Increase in spammers, and we need your help!

Posted by The Other Side on 08 July 2018 - 10:39 AM

Hello all!



As some of you may have noticed, there has been an increase in spammers lately. I have no idea why, but they're clearly not shy!


Removing their posts and ability to post isn't hard, but it can be harder to find their rambles throughout the forum. I'm not here for hours every day, and neither is v_melnik. So what I ask for you to do, is to report all inappropriate posts and users, so we can make the forum tidier for everyone.



  • LiamSullivan, inwinoveritas, melnyk and 4 others like this

#64117 Amy Pic Posting for Fun! #2

Posted by Mike from NY on 14 May 2008 - 05:52 AM

Some website called dana's dirt. I did a google search for news on her and found that.
  • Dona Binha, Yeah.amir and TakeTheBox03 like this

#237274 (NEW LEAK) Amy Winehouse Design Project files

Posted by Mousy on 06 February 2023 - 08:04 PM



This is a new leak from a collector. Please enjoy!


"The files have 2017 as their date but, in fact, the dates vary quite a lot looking at the metadata of the files (when they were actually made). haven't been able to look through the zips in there but many of those have files dated much earlier too."


"it’s basically individual psd, pdf, and other image files with details of her logos and graphic design of new shirts and merchandise. it’d be most helpful for a major fan of hers or somebody looking to get into graphic design."


link: https://www.sendgb.c...rce=BxzHFlkahmY


// Please enjoy!


  • melnyk and LuckyHorse like this

#197505 Hanging Up My Hat

Posted by Mama_Haze on 15 May 2013 - 12:03 PM

Dear All

It's with a tinge of nostalgic sadness I have to tell you all I am stepping down from my role as AWF webmaster after almost 4 years at the helm.

Commitments in my life and work outside of the forum have slowly taken up more and more of my time in recent months, and I no longer feel I have the time or energy that this place really deserves. As many of you know, I am in the process of setting up my own business and have been struggling with a variety of health problems in recent years. My attention really needs to be focused on those things.

It's been a great four years, and my involvement in this project is something I will always be proud of. In the past four years we have not only done Amy proud, but latterly also her memory, which is kept alive and kicking here every day; a part of her legacy I hope will never fade. I will be leaving you all in the very capable hands of [MENTION=3171]v_melnik[/MENTION] and @amyjennaharper. I'll still be a member myself and I will be around from time to time, so do keep in touch!

Finally, I'd just like to thank each and every one of you that have made my tenure here a happy and fulfilling one. It's been a pleasure to know you all.

All the very best
xxx Mama
  • weloveyouamy and TakeTheBox03 like this

#13422 Rules & Guidelines

Posted by Wino on 08 September 2007 - 06:25 PM

Rules & Guidelines
  • While debating and discussion is fine, we will not tolerate rudeness, insulting posts, personal attacks or purposeless inflammatory posts. Our decision is final in these matters.
  • Please refrain from posting meaningless threads, one word (or short) non-sense posts, or the such.
  • Multiple or repeated posting in order to increase your post count is not allowed.
  • Please refrain from double posting. If you need to add something to your previous post then edit it.
  • We reserve the right to remove offensive posts without notice.
  • Do not login to other users accounts without their permission.
  • Only ONE REGISTRATION PER PERSON can be complete. If you need help with registering please send an email to admin@amywinehouseforum.co.uk or wino@amywinehouseforum.co.uk. If anyone creates more than one account then these accounts will be merged together and the user warned.
  • This is a forum for Amy Winehouse fans. If you're not a fan of the Winehouse then please don't waste your time and especially our time by making unfriendly and negative posts. We can and will ban your IP address if this happens.
  • Please do not post using "txt spk". It's annoying to read, makes threads/posts look very untidy, and makes you (the poster) look abit of a tit.
  • Please post in the correct section of the forum. If you want to post a video of Amy then post it in the Amy on Video forum. If you want to share your artwork/creativity with our users, then post in the Artwork/Creativity forum, etc.

Signature Size Limits
  • Signatures must not exceed 500(width) x 200(height) pixels. Users who upload signatures bigger than this will have their signature removed and the user will be warned.

Sharing Files
  • Respect the copyrights of other people, websites, software and printed media. Please no pointers, how-tos, advocating any illegal activity. Do not upload bootleg material or MP3's etc. Posts regarding such things will be deleted and the user warned.
  • THE SHARING OF MP3'S, and similar files: Make sure you READ and UNDERSTAND the following; If it's not available for sale or if it's live, it's OK for you to request and share. If it's something rare, but released or something that isn't out yet, it's not OK so DO NOT ask for it on the forum. If you break this rule you will be warned by a moderator and your posts will be moderated. If you break this rule again you will be banned.

  • Bogart, LukarDwepressy, Jarockacern and 4 others like this

#237435 Amy in person

Posted by Camdenslioness on 13 March 2023 - 06:42 PM

I’ve recently discovered Amy and love her music. I am born and living in London and I was way too young even at the time of her death to know about her anyway. I want to ask has anyone here met Amy in person before or during her fame? I’ve heard that a few people ran into her in Camden before her fame. So if you have what was she like ?
  • melnyk, LuckyHorse, JadedHearts and 3 others like this

#236227 Live at AOL Sessions (2004) full perfomance

Posted by amyinourhearts on 23 October 2022 - 12:49 AM

Hi folks!


Does anyone have a good quality version of this entire show?

Preferably a good quality like this one:


  • inwinoveritas, Bon Jade (Richards) and JadedHearts like this

#207769 Cecilia the Administrator

Posted by melnyk on 13 April 2014 - 01:20 PM

I'm glad to announce that Cecilia have joined the administrator's team, so now we'll combine our efforts to make this forum even more cool place for all Amy's fans!


My congratulations and lots of thanks to you, Cee!

  • LaPeep, Cecilia, Tiny Penny and 2 others like this

#239108 TakeTheBox03 joins the moderators' team

Posted by melnyk on 16 January 2024 - 11:02 PM

Thanks to TakeTheBox03, one of the most active community members, for his willingness to assist!


May his efforts continue to foster growth and development in the forums. :-)

  • LiamSullivan, paradise, TakeTheBox03 and 3 others like this

#237380 Super rare video from 2008

Posted by Chips on 06 March 2023 - 01:01 AM

Hey guys! I'm so excited cause I've found this new video of Amy (at least for me). I've been searching for new footage for a while and I thought I had seen everything available on Youtube, but I guess I was wrong. I don't think anybody has ever posted this here. 

Anyway, this is a video supposedly recorded right after her big Grammy night. She's covering a Lauryn Hill song with (I think) her backup singers. Let me know what are your thoughts. 



  • Gus×Wino and TakeTheBox03 like this

#235754 Joe's Pub - Rehearsal article

Posted by weloveyouamy on 12 July 2022 - 11:23 PM



Amy Winehouse played Joe's Pub Tuesday night. I wasn't there because everybody else was. Seriously, from what I understand, if you're in the music biz or you write about the music biz or you date someone who writes about the music biz, chances are you either had a seat or were trying to get a seat for these two shows.
I got to sit in on the soundcheck.
I guess this is how it works.
Right now, only a few of us Americans know about her, but Amy's really big in England. Huge. She's got it all--talent, controversy, talent and controversy. Also, more hair than a Wookie. And tattoos. And a great album that hasn't come out in the States yet. It's coming in March. This visit is the shotgun blast across the bow, it's the prelude to the main event, it's the meet and greet.
Did I mention she heckled Bono at an awards show? Well, everyone will when they write about her. You will grow sick and tired of hearing about that one.
As the band checked levels, she wandered around Joe's doing a couple of phone interviews. I could hear her talking about all-girl groups that influenced her and how she had a great boyfriend and how much she liked the new songs and I imagined reading the finished piece in a month or two when there's some product to push--it must be nice to have an organized marketting campaign. She flipped through the pages of a magazine during some down-time, grooving to the musicians finding their levels. She seemed relaxed and she took it all in stride, enjoying the last moments of this sustained moment before whatever happens next happens.
Who knows? Maybe this afternoon was like the Beatles first flight to America--a last quiet moment before everyone starts screaming. Maybe it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship where all the controversy that swirls around her in England won't matter because we all get to hear her for the first time. It's a clean slate. Maybe she has a couple of classic albums coming down the pike--songs that people will be singing along with in their cars on the way to the beach. Songs that people will play to remember long-lost moments and faded friends. They'll get all wistful and turn to the person next to them and say, "Amy Winehouse always makes me smile."
Or maybe no one will care. Maybe there's going to be a bigger story in two months. Maybe the stars won't align. Maybe Bono will blame African famine on her and we'll all buy it because she has a lot of hair and sometimes sings drunk on British television (for God's sake, it was a Michael Jackson cover--I'd get drunk and pull a late-career Dylan on it too).
Who knows? She certainly didn't behave as if she had any expectations . . .
Last night she played two short shows for the opinion makers, but yesterday afternoon she sang a bunch of songs, laughed with her singers, taught the guitarist a tricky chord change and I called Jeff to make him jealous. And, although I really would have liked to be at the shows, I can't say that I much minded having the place to myself. I got me a private show before everyone else started telling me what it was I was supposed to think about her--and I'm a very impressionable person. So, for me, Amy Winehouse is always going to remind me of that time I was just starting as the resident artist at Joe's Pub and it was time for a final soundcheck.
For more links and a nice little sample track go to Tofuhut.

  • Fierce and LuckyHorse like this