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About Byron meeting Amy

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#16 Lainey


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:21 PM

Thanks Sarah

Very, very cool. Just awesome - I am so happy for Byron and jealous at the same time! It's great that someone that we know, and who's a good guy and a real fan met Amy. Very cool indeed. Lucky, lucky, lucky!
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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:24 PM

jealous much !

look at her ghetto gold
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AmyAmyAmy - She So Good She Dangerous
★I Wanna Light You On Fire, Show You How Hot You Are★

#18 Jayne


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 06:48 PM

What a great experience and one you'll never forget, thanks for posting the photos!
Jayne, proud to be a member of Amy Winehouse Forum since Jul 2007.

#19 Mono



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Posted 10 August 2008 - 07:15 PM



this is like a once in a lifetime experience, isn't it?
thanks for the infos (also to sarah!)

#20 Rockesquirrel


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 07:46 PM

Sarah and Byron should be given Medals of Valor! (Well, at least a hardy handshake and a congratulatory back pat would suffice) Good job, you two, especially Byron for bring us the news!!!
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#21 lyricgenius


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 07:51 PM

Sarah, what date were those pics taken? And I'm curious why Byron felt sad when Amy was singing.
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#22 manic_blue


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 08:20 PM

Sarah, what date were those pics taken? And I'm curious why Byron felt sad when Amy was singing.

I wondered the very same thing about him feeling sad. And since he didn't seem to recognize the song, could it be he was hearing one from her to be released album? The whole experience must have been so surreal!!! Sarah , that was so nice of Byron to mention the Forum to her. And thank you for relaying everything to us.
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#23 sarahbol


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 08:21 PM

Sarah, what date were those pics taken? And I'm curious why Byron felt sad when Amy was singing.

The night from the 8th (yes, 8/8) to the 9th.

for Dave, well feeling said was a little part of how I was feeling the whole time along with happy, excited, nervous - not just when she sang, the sad feeling was becuase in my head I was thinking, that I wanted to help her, but I cant and thinking of how she used to be, and her now, and what her life can be like for her,that sort of sad.

And I go back to... I go back to us.

Bruised, battered and desparate for a fag she may be, but Amy is our 21st Century Piaf: flawed yet fabulous, tormented yet towering. Think of her this way and hope that the still remarkably young woman under the eyeliner thinks that way too. - Jude Rogers, The Word

#24 DontClipMyWings


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Posted 10 August 2008 - 09:15 PM

god what a lucky lucky lucky man, the pics are beautiful, her big grin is jsut beautiful i would give so much for the chance to meet her
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#25 jazlyn



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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:37 AM

for Dave, well feeling said was a little part of how I was feeling the whole time along with happy, excited, nervous - not just when she sang, the sad feeling was becuase in my head I was thinking, that I wanted to help her, but I cant and thinking of how she used to be, and her now, and what her life can be like for her,that sort of sad.

I think I would have cried if I had been there and she had mentioned Juliette, she seems so alone and in need of a good friend, and it sucks that Juliette can't be there for her. Not that she isn't surrounded by good people, but it has to hurt that her best friend will hardly speak to her.

But you are such a lucky boy. Those pictures are marvelous, she looks so happy. I can't believe you met her. Dionne's mom was right. You got to see her house, play pool on her pool table, meet Dionne. It's not like you passed her on the street or anything, you really got to see a lot more than most people ever will.

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#26 kevd7


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 02:23 AM

what lovely pictures...thank you byron and sarah. i can imagine there would be a sadness there, wanting so much to make everything all right for Amy. She is a dear soul and we love her.

#27 janessa


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 06:00 AM

You are so unbeliveably lucky Byron. She looks so good in those pictures. I can't believe you got to see her house, meet Dionne and her mom and play pool AND you got a hug and pictures. Wow.


#28 Wino


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 08:28 AM

Why can't Byron log on anymore?
Sarah, or whoever speaks to him, could you tell him - if he wants to - to create a new account and I'll then merge his new one with his old one. See if that works.

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#29 Mags


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:02 PM

that must have been the best day of byron's life!! it would have been mine anyway....:D

lucky man.

#30 sarahbol


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Posted 11 August 2008 - 01:21 PM

Why can't Byron log on anymore?
Sarah, or whoever speaks to him, could you tell him - if he wants to - to create a new account and I'll then merge his new one with his old one. See if that works.

I don't know, I asked him what exactly the problem is and I think he'll let me know today.

He has already tried creating another account and that didn't work either.
I'll let you know when I know more.
And I go back to... I go back to us.

Bruised, battered and desparate for a fag she may be, but Amy is our 21st Century Piaf: flawed yet fabulous, tormented yet towering. Think of her this way and hope that the still remarkably young woman under the eyeliner thinks that way too. - Jude Rogers, The Word

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