So I was talking with a friend the other day who knew how much we loved Amy, and what she did for us.
So we were talking about Amy and remembering her, and also talked about the time both us met Amy while she was walking around Camden.
So her other friend started trash talking her, saying some terrible stuff about her actually. I was just ready to blow up in his face. Talking about how can you idolize someone who had problems with addiction etc.
And that we shouldn't idolize someone with Amy's past.
Have you ever encountered these kinds of people? And if you have how have you dealt with it. I mean nothing will change my opinion or my love of Amy. I just always wondered how other fans deal with the narrow mindedness of other people.

When you tell people you liked/Idolized Amy. Do you get this?
Posted 27 April 2014 - 02:40 PM
- pearljo, melnyk and sweetn'amy like this
You're Stephanie, and I'm Paula. <3
Amy Jade Winehouse - My Idol. My Queen. My Everything. 1983 - Forever. <3
Posted 27 April 2014 - 06:38 PM
People like that make me laugh actually, because they're the kind of people who will talk shit about Amy and then in the same breath proclaim their love for Kurt Cobain or the Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix. The hypocrisy of people with those attitudes is quite unbelievable. They came crawling out of the woodwork again to criticize Philip Seymour Hoffman when he died with the typical 'junkie'/'waster'/etc. talk. It's just another example of how misunderstood people with addiction problems really are. Just because someone chooses to harm themselves with drugs or alcohol, somehow they're less deserving of sympathy than someone who chooses to cut themselves or someone who hangs themselves. We live in a world where people don't understand, and worse, don't care about the issues that can lead to addiction, and instead just sit up on their high horse passing judgements. It's made even doubly ridiculous because the people who criticise those with addiction problems will go on about how mental health issues aren't taken seriously enough.
The fact is, you'd be hard pushed to find any exceptional talent in the arts who hasn't had trouble with drugs or drink. If you're going to criticize someone like Amy for her lifestyle choices, you better start throwing out your entire record collection, burning your books and you can forget about the movies. Even a lot of the major scientific minds of the world experimented with drugs - Thomas Edison and Sigmund Freud were big fans of cocaine, and Francis Crick is rumoured to have discovered the double-helix structure of DNA while under the influence of LSD.
It's fine if you don't agree with someone's lifestyle, but if you're going to openly criticize them because of it, you better be prepared to be consistent. Drugs and alcohol tend to be part of the fabric of many walks of life from music to art, film to science, so you can start ruling a lot of the cornerstones of culture if you're so adamantly against anyone who has ever done drugs.
- LuckyHorse, amy4everrrr and galadriel_21 like this
Posted 27 April 2014 - 07:10 PM
People like that make me laugh actually, because they're the kind of people who will talk shit about Amy and then in the same breath proclaim their love for Kurt Cobain or the Rolling Stones or Jimi Hendrix. The hypocrisy of people with those attitudes is quite unbelievable. They came crawling out of the woodwork again to criticize Philip Seymour Hoffman when he died with the typical 'junkie'/'waster'/etc. talk. It's just another example of how misunderstood people with addiction problems really are. Just because someone chooses to harm themselves with drugs or alcohol, somehow they're less deserving of sympathy than someone who chooses to cut themselves or someone who hangs themselves. We live in a world where people don't understand, and worse, don't care about the issues that can lead to addiction, and instead just sit up on their high horse passing judgements. It's made even doubly ridiculous because the people who criticise those with addiction problems will go on about how mental health issues aren't taken seriously enough.
The fact is, you'd be hard pushed to find any exceptional talent in the arts who hasn't had trouble with drugs or drink. If you're going to criticize someone like Amy for her lifestyle choices, you better start throwing out your entire record collection, burning your books and you can forget about the movies. Even a lot of the major scientific minds of the world experimented with drugs - Thomas Edison and Sigmund Freud were big fans of cocaine, and Francis Crick is rumoured to have discovered the double-helix structure of DNA while under the influence of LSD.
It's fine if you don't agree with someone's lifestyle, but if you're going to openly criticize them because of it, you better be prepared to be consistent. Drugs and alcohol tend to be part of the fabric of many walks of life from music to art, film to science, so you can start ruling a lot of the cornerstones of culture if you're so adamantly against anyone who has ever done drugs.
The fact that makes me laugh also, In one breath they will talk trash on Amy? Then you will hear them or see them talk about her music and how much they loved her music? So in one breath your slating her for her choices in life which she actually took responsibility for and got the help she needed but then will admire her musical talent. just makes me laugh at how people can jump from one thing to another.
- LuckyHorse likes this
You're Stephanie, and I'm Paula. <3
Amy Jade Winehouse - My Idol. My Queen. My Everything. 1983 - Forever. <3
Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:10 PM
My boyfriend showed me today that Playlist of songs Amy loved which I already knew . The cute thing is, he isnt even a huge fan of that type of music, but we sat there and listened and then he said "Oh those songs are pretty cool, and every single song fits to her personality". And one hour ago he wrote me that he really loves "Get over it" and "Mr. Magic" really love the fact that he listened to those songs, especially Get over it, because it's not even on an album...
Anyway in general it's pretty easy to hate people, because hate is mostly something which arises from the fact that you dont understand that person. So those people who hate Amy because of her addiction are mostly those people who have never gone to really hard times or just dont want to waste their time to think a little bit about her and the situation she had to deal with.
And that says pretty much about those who dont like her
- LuckyHorse likes this
Posted 27 April 2014 - 10:01 PM
i'm 60 years old and i'll always take up for amy.
she's meant more to me than anyone i've ever known. i don't say i'm obsessed with her. i said her talent, wit and craziness came with the package.
but beware, i'll drop your ass before i would ever drop amy.
why did i latch on to amy? why not stevie nicks or a beautiful actress? they weren't amy that's why.
i don't have to justify what i believe. especially when i'm right. maybe my friend you'll find this kind of love. good luck. i've got mine.
- Sassy likes this
Posted 28 April 2014 - 03:40 PM
Yeah, It just really makes me laugh that people can judge someone on their choices in life, everyone makes mistakes and their mistakes don't define what the person is or who they are. People who had the privilege to meet Amy like myself would know what she really is like in real life and I met her on a few occasions and each time she was nice, caring and all round well mannered, someone joked to me about meeting her and said i bet she's that of her face she won't remember who you were. Well on the third meeting (I had met Amy 4 times before she passed.) She remembered who I was and we actually talked for quite a while about various different things. Just shows how narrow minded someone can be when someone is down in their luck or is trapped by certain types of demons.
- Sassy likes this
You're Stephanie, and I'm Paula. <3
Amy Jade Winehouse - My Idol. My Queen. My Everything. 1983 - Forever. <3
Posted 02 September 2024 - 03:10 PM
So I was talking with a friend the other day who knew how much we loved Amy, and what she did for us.
So we were talking about Amy and remembering her, and also talked about the time both us met Amy while she was walking around Camden.
So her other friend started trash talking her, saying some terrible stuff about her actually. I was just ready to blow up in his face. Talking about how can you idolize someone who had problems with addiction etc.
And that we shouldn't idolize someone with Amy's past.
Have you ever encountered these kinds of people? And if you have how have you dealt with it. I mean nothing will change my opinion or my love of Amy. I just always wondered how other fans deal with the narrow mindedness of other people.
Every fucking day. My family, some of my friends. I dont understand because had it been someone they knew who had gone through all the shit amy went through, they wouldnt be trash talking them.
- paradise, yourshadowcoversme914, Carlo20 and 1 other like this
Please Come Back Amy!
Posted 05 September 2024 - 09:24 PM
My boyfriend showed me today that Playlist of songs Amy loved which I already knew
. The cute thing is, he isnt even a huge fan of that type of music, but we sat there and listened and then he said "Oh those songs are pretty cool, and every single song fits to her personality". And one hour ago he wrote me that he really loves "Get over it" and "Mr. Magic" really love the fact that he listened to those songs, especially Get over it, because it's not even on an album...
Anyway in general it's pretty easy to hate people, because hate is mostly something which arises from the fact that you dont understand that person. So those people who hate Amy because of her addiction are mostly those people who have never gone to really hard times or just dont want to waste their time to think a little bit about her and the situation she had to deal with.
And that says pretty much about those who dont like her
That’s nice tell him I said thanks.
- TakeTheBox03 likes this
Posted 13 September 2024 - 10:13 PM
I've had it before. Didn't care then and I don't now! WE know how amazing she really was and that's all that really matters.
Used to hear it a lot but public opinion of Amy has really softened, I think.
Also, hi AWF! Been far too long. Watched the movie tonight (I know) because it was on Netflix, listened to both of her albums and decided I had to jump on here. Hope you're all well.
- Fierce, MingusMonk&Amy, yourshadowcoversme914 and 1 other like this
Posted 14 September 2024 - 06:15 PM
I carry Amy in my heart and nothing can change that. I'm older and when Amy died a friend told me how sorry she was. But I'm also radical, I don't care about people who talk badly about Amy. They are just immature and I don't maintain any contact with them. In fact, several years ago I was severely depressed and suicidal, I didn't do it. And today I often remember that if I had, I would never have heard their music. That's why I don't care about other people and their opinions about Amy, they can't change my gratitude and love for Amy.
- yourshadowcoversme914 and galadriel_21 like this
Posted 15 September 2024 - 04:35 PM
My mom wasn't too familiar with Amy/didn't remember her music, so I played her in the car one day. Later that night, my mom had looked up Amy and only seen the bad Belgrade performance videos and was basically scolding me about looking up to this girl. I think that's such a simplistic way of viewing a hugely complicated life, and I explained the importance of Amy in the context of mental health. I think she understood a little better
- paradise and yourshadowcoversme914 like this
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