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What is "Break The Law"?

amy winehouse unreleased back to black frank break the law music

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#1 SxP



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Posted 05 June 2017 - 12:40 PM

Someone tell me that there is a new song by Amy (only for traders) called "Break the Law" and it's very rare... Someone can tell me more about this song? Is an unreleased from "Frank" or "Back to Black"? It's a ballad like "Love is a Losing Game" or it's more "fast" like "Tears Dry On Their Own"? Thanks!

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#2 The Other Side

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Posted 05 June 2017 - 04:00 PM

It sounded nothing like Amy so I brushed it off as a scam. I don't even think I have it. It was fairly upbeat.

#3 BagsNShoesJazzNBlues



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Posted 23 June 2018 - 01:29 PM

This forum seems very elitist. 'Only for traders'. I'm guessing that you'd only exchange the song for something just as rare? I'm just saying, people want to hear more of Amy. Keeping it locked up is just helping Mitch keep Amy from the world. People talk about wishing that Universal Music wouldn't keep her songs locked up like this, while doing the same thing. If anyone has the song, it would be wonderful if you could share it on here or post it on YouTube somehow.

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#4 The Other Side

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Posted 25 June 2018 - 10:40 PM

Why do you assume we wouldn't share the song? If you'd read a bit around on the forum it's clear that me, and everyone else, is just as frustrated with the secrecy regarding Amy's unreleased music. And truly, it was not her, and the user who posted it was not a regular here, and probably only did it to fool around. It wasn't even a whole song. And if I find it, I'll let you know.


Update: I found it, here it is:





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#5 BagsNShoesJazzNBlues



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Posted 26 June 2018 - 03:34 AM

My thing is a few other people. I've managed to hear a few other things by her, but I've also contacted a few people that are very elitist about that kind of stuff on this forum (a few trading things and someone finding stuff that's Amy related in Sony's offices deciding not to share it because it would 'devalue' it.

#6 BagsNShoesJazzNBlues



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Posted 26 June 2018 - 03:36 AM

Speaking of unreleased songs, I have some information on 'Detachment' (the full version) that could help get it released to everyone, as opposed to just people who pay them. Maybe I should start a new thread for it or something?

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#7 The Other Side

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Posted 26 June 2018 - 01:05 PM

Please do!  Any new info is greatly appreciated.

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#8 xjxcob



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Posted 05 July 2018 - 03:40 PM

Detachment is my favourite unreleased Amy song, It'd be greatly appreciated by everyone if you could share! :)

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but now i like to think out loud

you're running with some different crowd

we both know

what it is. 

#9 xDetachmentx


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Posted 17 August 2018 - 05:12 AM

I think I know who's singing. There's a pretty popular performer named Alessia Cara, (she's listed Amy as one of her biggest inspirations) and she sounds somewhat similar to Amy, if you know what you're trying to hear. The stylings sound the same as Alessia's in the snippet, but I can't seem to find the song. Hope this helps!

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#10 xDetachmentx


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Posted 29 August 2018 - 08:40 PM

It's also worth noting that it could potentially be an outtake from her first EP 'Four Pink Walls' or her 2015 album 'Know It All', since I had heard of a leak back in 2016 of some outtakes. Just guessing here, not worth much, since we already know it's not Amy. Still a good song, though it's just 25 seconds.

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#11 inwinoveritas



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Posted 12 September 2018 - 12:04 PM

This forum seems very elitist. 'Only for traders'. I'm guessing that you'd only exchange the song for something just as rare? I'm just saying, people want to hear more of Amy. Keeping it locked up is just helping Mitch keep Amy from the world. People talk about wishing that Universal Music wouldn't keep her songs locked up like this, while doing the same thing. If anyone has the song, it would be wonderful if you could share it on here or post it on YouTube somehow.

True. On the oher hand I think, that Universal locked up and destroyed songs so that Mitch wouldn't get his money- and fame-hungry hands on them. But it also does a isservice to her legacy nonetheless. And I am also very curious about those songs. No one's talking about releasing them to profit from them commercially, but rhey still could've put them up on YouTube. And as for 'Break the law', as somebody mentioned, it's Aactually a tune by Alessia Cara, I guess.

#12 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 15 January 2024 - 11:07 PM

Why do you assume we wouldn't share the song? If you'd read a bit around on the forum it's clear that me, and everyone else, is just as frustrated with the secrecy regarding Amy's unreleased music. And truly, it was not her, and the user who posted it was not a regular here, and probably only did it to fool around. It wasn't even a whole song. And if I find it, I'll let you know.


Update: I found it, here it is:





can you reupload it please, The Other Side thanks!

Please Come Back Amy!


#13 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 15 February 2024 - 02:44 PM

Why do you assume we wouldn't share the song? If you'd read a bit around on the forum it's clear that me, and everyone else, is just as frustrated with the secrecy regarding Amy's unreleased music. And truly, it was not her, and the user who posted it was not a regular here, and probably only did it to fool around. It wasn't even a whole song. And if I find it, I'll let you know.


Update: I found it, here it is:





or is this that snippet people dubbed as being "the car crash" from the 2015 Amy documentary where she is vocalizing/humming? i would appreciate any info. thanks!

Please Come Back Amy!


Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: amy winehouse, unreleased, back to black, frank, break the law, music

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