I'm starting this topic in hopes it becomes as much viral here as "Amy Pics Posting for Fun" in Anything Amy.
The last years it is difficult to find unseen Amy videos, and thank god, we post some of them here, and there are amazing sources for unseen videos. For example there is "Amy WInehouse Legacy" in Vk which posts all Amy content.
I'm starting this thread for all of us to post any UNSEEN or barely unseen Amy videos we find.
As Amy would like, the videos should NOT be paparazzi ones or bad performances where she's out of herself and dysfunctional
If the administrator likes it, he can pin the topic in the top of the results of "Amy on VIdeo"
I would appreciate it a lot if you provide any good ways to find videos, as youtube videos are limited
To make the beggining, I'm posting here some unseen Amy videos from Rock City (Nottingham, 2007), which I recently found on youtube: