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Let's start a thread about Union Chapel

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#1 weloveyouamy


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 11:40 PM

I am starting this thread in hopes we ll gather as much as information about Union Chapel (November 24 2006).


I have to say, after VERY extended research I haven't found not even a 2 second clip from Union Chapel except for the famous Salaam's video.


1) I 'll post later as much as I can , but for the moment I want everyone to contribute everything we have, articles, relevant videos etc. Please, if you find an article, paste the whole text because links disappear very often through the years

2) I 'll update frequently this first post with as much info as I can, and as many photos as I ve found (whoch have already been posted)


3) I don't know whether I ll find it again, but I had read somewhere that her company had banned her from drinking alcohol that night. There is some alcohol in the photos, but it is clear that she was completely sober, something I hope would happen for many more gigs.


4) All the videos I will be posting will be relevant but not Ay, otherwise I ll state clearly that in the video it is Amy




So, we begin: The show happened for Mencap Charity and was presented by Jo Whiley. That night the show was also hosting bat for Lashes, then it was Mika and in the end Amy. This is reffered here:






I've never been to the Union Chapel Sessions before, but once I move back to London I'm certainly going to make it to as many as I can. The idea of the evening is simple - raise money for charity Mencap by paying £35 a seat to watch artists as diverse as The Fratellis, Mika and Jamie T perform in the beautiful setting of Islington's Union Chapel. The night is hosted by Radio 1 DJ Jo Whiley, but her presence isn't overpowering, rather choosing to give a brief introduction to each act before retiring to let them take centre stage.
Bat For Lashes, a folky, ethereal group fronted by twenty-something songstrel Natasha Khan, came out first, and despite the four city-banker types behind me, did a great job, garnering many rounds of applause for their beautiful, confusing songs. At times it was a little bit Enya, but the band have great potential, making music with a huge variety of instruments, exciting the synapses both aurally and visually.
Mika was out next - bet you thought you'd seen the end of him on these pages! No, he's everywhere these days, and he didn't disappoint, playing a selection of tracks from his upcoming album Life In Cartoon Motion, due for release in February. It might have been his family's influence (they were all sitting in the back, cheering him on), but the audience got very excited by his performance, and after asking a number of people what they thought of his performance, I was intrigued to find not one negative opinion.
And then came Amy Winehouse. This doyenne of the jazz scene has been in the papers for all the wrong reasons recently - drink and anorexia being the prime culprits. Winehouse looked healthy tonight, though, beautifully slim but curvy enough to be sexy. Although she could do with enunciating more clearly, her voice rose and fell in gorgeous, deliciously light tones, and the audience went absolutely wild, giving her a standing ovation at the end of the evening.
All in all, a great gig at a great venue with a great atmosphere. At risk of sounding like Smashy and Nicey - great!
There are some photos from an old photo agency called "IHMOJ!" which exists nowhere these days. The photos are the first 4 attached.
There are some videos of Mika from Union Chapel here: (opes only in PC)
but I think they are from another year's union chapel
This is how it looked when Jo Whiley was presenting the show. The following year the show as definitely recorded, as you can see here:
As far as I know, the show was NOT recorded as a video, according to a tweet of Little Noise Sessions which I have attached as a screenshot. BUT, something contradictory is that Noel Gallagher's show in 2006 Union Chapel was recorded, as you can see here:
There is also a recent tweet from Neil Alexander with new photos from union chapel which are attached.
"Found some old photographs of @amywinehouse in a box tonight, from when I used to book artists for Jo Whiley’s Little Noise Sessions at the Union Chapel every November in aid of @mencap_charity . This was just after Back to Black came out. An incredible gig. Fond memories "
I ve sent a message to Neil Alexander, Mencap, Amy's Foundation, Jo Whiley , no answer from anybody. I also contacted a friend (Ciara Lawrence, https://twitter.com/ciarale01) of Neil Alexander who actually responded, but not something very interesting. When I asked for fooateg, I got the answer that she has no access to these photos and videos, and when I asked whether the gig was recorded, she responded that she thinks so, "but clips would be on youtube".
Now, in order to extend the research, I have to say that videos can be found in any platform, like Vimeo or Dailymotion or Facebook. I had written a "manual" on how to search on fb in the past, and I paste it hereL
"If anyone is ever interested to know, most of the last unseen videos I uploaded were from Facebook video search
You have to put usually key words like “amy” (“winehouse” does not give easily results back from 2007 because the platform is flooded with “winehouse” videos from the last years)
It requires usually 2 words and the exact month you are searching
For example : “amy gig 11 2007”
Or “amy gig november 2007”
You can find videos from old years with more keywords but if you search smartly . For example “amy gig brighton 2007” might give you some results
To find videos with >2 keywords uploaded an exact month in the past, you have to put the month in a word form, e.g.
“Amy virgin festival august 2007”, but it is not that powerful as searching with two smart keywords and the exact month
Last but not least:
1)videos appear if you put the search mode “most recent” videos and go straight to the bottom of the results.
2)if you are using android search, when searching again you have to go back and then straight into the search mode because it enables a “facebook watch” mode which makes it even harder to search"
For youtube search, you have to know that you can use search operators which can be combined and find a very exact result (that's why I was finding so many videos back then)
Daate search examples: amy winehouse , before:2007-07-04 will find videos before April 4th of 2007
For combining terms you have to put commas, like: amy winehouse, before:2007-07-04 , after:2007-01-01
Generally, vewing the videos by date gives more exact results but eliminates a lot the videos listed in the youtube search, and cuts even relevant videos.
All relevant info is here:
A pretty good example: I am doing youtube  research now under the keywords: little noise OR union chapel OR mencap , before:2007-08-08
I have also to say that I have no hopes for a Union Chapel yt video under the simple title "Amy Winehouse". I ve done exhausting research under such videos, there is no Union Chapel there.


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#2 SarahMermaid


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Posted 18 March 2022 - 11:50 PM

Yep definitely wasn’t banned from drinking hehe. She looked so happy that night.

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#3 amyinourhearts



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Posted 19 March 2022 - 01:39 AM

Excellent post, as always! As a fan since 2006, I can assure you this was her best perfomance ever (including others, of course). 2006 should have never ended for Amy.... Her voice in "Love you More..." was superb,exquisite and pure (even if the quality video was crap). Her perfomance reminds me of Judy Garland, Billie Holiday and many more. I wonder if might find something on MySpace, but according to what I read in earlier posts, this seems to be impossible. Shame on MySpace team!

I saw Mika's video and it was quite good even though mobile phones were so basic back in 2006 and 2007! (and the videos lasted mostly some seconds). What drew my attention: Oasis gig took place on the 26th of November (two days after Amy's!!) , and Amy was quite famous back then (of course not as popular as in 2007 but she had already released her debut album in UK). So, my guess is that it is very strange they didn't record Amy's perfomance (or any other artist), specially bearing in mind that this perfomance was launched by BBC. If they certainly didn't record the set, they lost a unique opportunity in capturing one of the best moments in music history. If it exists, it is likely it will cost A LOT OF MONEY, especially with the passing of years. Don't forget that Mitch is inevitably behind Amy's stuff, and sharing new material has never been part of his kindness... I AM HOPEFUL, HOWEVER, THAT THIS PERFOMANCE WAS FULLY RECORDED (AT LEAST IN AUDIO), SINCE WE GOT THE CHANCE TO HEAR "WE ARE STILL FRIENDS" IN HQ BACK IN 2015. Besides, she sang a lot of songs (I remember seeing a piece of paper with the songs, the ones she used to perfom during her B2B 2007 tour).

Thank you once again for your extensive dedication and research! We should definitely keep an eye on this set, as it shows Amy's simplicity yet brillance that not so many people know.

PD: Matthew Holley is the name of the guy who uploaded Jo Wiley's speech, I tried to look his name up on Twitter, but couldn't find anything. Anyway, I think it is highly unlikely that he still has videos from that night, after 16 years! Perhaps we can get in touch with Salaam?

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#4 amyinourhearts



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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:08 AM

FInally, I would like to include a photographer's anecdote, since this one captures very well Amy's mood that day.

Photographer Jill Furmanovsky recalls, "I took live pictures of Amy Winehouse for MOJO Magazine at the Union Chapel in 2006. She seemed particularly happy that night and made references to a loved one (Blake) who was in the audience. After the show I asked Amy if she would mind me shooting a quick portrait. The road crew were loading out and a cold wind blew in through the open stage door. Amy didn't mind, she obliged by standing against the wall in the corridor, lifting her head to catch the light while the autumn leaves blew in." 


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#5 weloveyouamy


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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:16 AM

I am happy this thread has taken some life!!! So, Mika's video were from 2009, there is not a single video from 2006's performance of Mika, and Mencap charity started uploading videos (at least on youtube) from 2007, and Imdb starts listing the show as a tv show from 2009.

As for the setlist, you were completely right, I had totally forgotten that I had found a photo from the actual piece of paper with the setlist back in 2021.
Here's the photo uploaded by Paolo Kramer (or Paulo Krammer) / Twitter. Unfortunateky I can't find the actual post. There is only one Paolo Kramer (and not Paulo) on Twitter with an account locked. If it is him, then we are tonds of lucky this photo was screenshoted before the account went to private.

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#6 amyinourhearts



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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:20 AM

I am happy this thread has taken some life!!! So, Mika's video were from 2009, there is not a single video from 2006's performance of Mika, and Mencap charity started uploading videos (at least on youtube) from 2007, and Imdb starts listing the show as a tv show from 2009.

As for the setlist, you were completely right, I had totally forgotten that I had found a photo from the actual piece of paper with the setlist back in 2021.
Here's the photo uploaded by Paolo Kramer / Twitter

2006 was 16 years old, it wasn't 50 years ago when definitely there were few techonologies to record gigs. Again, if they decided not to record 2006's set, SHAME ON THEM.


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#7 amyinourhearts



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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:21 AM

Yes! and I think she perfomed those songs with the whole band (except for Donny Hathaway's tunes which she perfomed only with Sam, very wise desicion!!)


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#8 weloveyouamy


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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:27 AM

Didn't know that it was full band. I am pasting here Neil Alexander's photos as well. For anyone who doesn't know, this gig happened the same day with Russel Brand's show, that's why she is wearing the same outfit:

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#9 amyinourhearts



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Posted 19 March 2022 - 02:37 AM

She was so blessed that day! Listen to that voice! My advise is to look for individuals, and not companies, since probably they don't exist any longer after 16 years.  I will try to see who the cameraman was back then or the guy in charge of recording concerts at Union Chapel. Hope we can get good news soon! If I find out somehting new, I will post here.

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#10 weloveyouamy


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Posted 19 March 2022 - 04:58 AM

There is also this former Mencap colleague who met Amy at this gig, I tweeted her but didn’t get a response:

ALSO I found these:

The second link has a working photo gallery with the photos attached (attached is an article about Amy at Union Chapel as well):

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#11 Mousy


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Posted 19 March 2022 - 06:50 PM

Thank you so much for the thread. They should upload it as a live album. I know they have the master recording?

#12 Fierce


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Posted 20 March 2022 - 06:22 PM

From Neil Alexander twitter


Amy Winehouse, Union Chapel, Islington, November 2006 as part of Jo Whiley’s Little Noise Sessions in aid of Mencap. 650 capacity, acoustic. It was one of her first outings with Blake Fielder and, working backstage, we’d been briefed to keep all alcohol away from her

She was allowed a glass of red wine on stage, nothing more. After the show, she and Blake stayed drinking in her dressing room until about 2am. One of the most intimate gigs I’ve ever seem though (years later, one of the tracks made it onto the ‘Amy’ documentary soundtrack)



#13 weloveyouamy


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Posted 20 March 2022 - 08:45 PM

This is a general trailer for Mencap Little Noise Sessions, which includes previous performances. If Amy was recorded, wouldn't they put a snippet from this A-list name?





Also, a small youtube channel with playlists from Little Noise Sessions gigs:










From mencap flickr, where they give this email: 




WHen I sent them an email years ago at hello@mencap.org.uk, I had no answer



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#14 SarahMermaid


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Posted 24 March 2022 - 10:48 AM

I wish they would release it. Even as a record day special or something. These record companies are all about making money and her live albums At The BBC and I Told You I Was Trouble aren’t very popular on streaming services (at bbc 22M, I Told You I Was Trouble less than 4M). ‘We’re still friends’ has more streams than all of ‘I Told You’ put together though but still less than 10M. If there is no hunger for live stuff, they’re gonna be inclined to not put more out. No idea what pure sales are. Think At The BBC did ok?

#15 weloveyouamy


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Posted 24 March 2022 - 04:29 PM

Ok, so I found some information about Noah Gallagher's gig at Union Chapel (2 days after Amy's live) , which was filmed and released as a full set.


Noel Gallagher and Gem Archer of British rock band Oasis are joined by percussionist Terry Kirkbride to perform an intimate live acoustic set at the Union Chapel in London, England for the Mencap Little Noise Sessions.
Director   Dick Carruthers (https://pro.imdb.com...?ref_=tt_fm_dir)
Producer Dick Carruthers ( https://pro.imdb.com...f_=tt_fm_prodr)
Cinematographer  Steve Tickner ( https://pro.imdb.com...?ref_=tt_fm_ci)
3 companies
Production Companies 
Cheese Film & Video [GB] – Production company
Branch: Godalming, England
Distributor (1) Dist. Region Format Contact
Channel 4 Television Corporation [GB] – (2006)
United Kingdom
Other Companies
Ignition Management [GB]
+ Add Filmmakers  |  Filter by profession
14 filmmakers
Director (1)
Dick Carruthers
Known for -> The Killers: Live from the Royal Albert Hall (2009)
Producers (2)
Known for -> The Killers: Live from the Royal Albert Hall (2009)
Executive Producer
Known for ->  Oasis Knebworth 1996 (2021)
Cinematographer (1)
Director Of Photography
Known for -> The Queen (2006)
Editor (1)
Known for -> Maledicta Electronica (1996)
Production Managers (2)
Production Manager
Known for -> MSN Music in Concert (2006)
Production Manager
Known for -> Moloko - 11, 000 Clicks (2004)
Sound Department (3)
Audio Mixer
Known for -> Smashing Pumpkins: If All Goes Wrong (2008)
Audio Recording
Known for -> Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds Live (2012)
Dubbing Mixer
Known for -> Escape to River Cottage (1999)
Camera and Electrical Department (1)
Lighting Designer
Known for -> MSN Music in Concert (2006)
Editorial Department (1) 
Known for -> Lucky Man (2016)
Additional Crew (3)
Backline Technician
Known for -> MSN Music in Concert (2006)
Backline Technician
Known for -> MSN Music in Concert (2006)
Venue Supervisor
Known for -> Noel Gallagher: Sitting Here in Silence (2006)
Every link is for IMDb pro. If it doesn't open, just substract the prefi "pro." and it will open
As for the Little Noise Sessions TV Show, which aired from 2009 and onwards, it is shown by Channel 4, that's why I have very low expectations, because it has a very guarded archive. You can;t find anything about AMy for example in their site, while Amy has been heavily entrained with this channel. Even in Imdb pro they do not have contact info, like email or stuff like that.
Something VERY interesting , weird and strange is that there isn't a single yt video from Mika at this night and Bat for Lashes, who both performed with Amy the same night.
I attach some photos (the bw ones are from Rock Archive on fb, the coloured one is from a fanpage, the framed one is from Neil Alexander on Twitter)


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