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"I met amy last month" hoax? or real?

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#1 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 25 November 2023 - 05:46 AM

ok, so ive just finished reading a Archived post

i dont know if this is against the rules or guidelines, but here is a link https://unimaginable...ssaamy/nossaamy


Is it true amy is still alive, coz if she is, i dont care if she retired from music or not! i'd be happy she's still alive and well!

it'd also prove to my family she was not a "drunk" and she actually is still around!

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Please Come Back Amy!


#2 amyinourhearts



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Posted 25 November 2023 - 02:16 PM

This is a lack of respect. Do you remember the image of some men carrying a body bag outside Amy's house? Well, that body was Amy's! Why do you think paramedics arrived at Amy's house and there was an official statement by the police (Superintendent Raj Kohli )?

People seemed to be very bored during the pandemic...

Of course (and sadly!) she is gone. I would give away everything to see Amy alive and give her a deserved hug. She is actually my guardian angel.

I wish what you said was true but unfortunately the truth is only one.

Actually, I think pretending a fake death would be the best desicion for her, particularly at that moment of her life (alcohol addiction, cancelation of her European Tour and being the center of jokes after Belgrade). But let's be honest: it would be very difficult to sustain such a lie for a long period of time. Don't you think?

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#3 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 25 November 2023 - 03:58 PM

This is a lack of respect. Do you remember the image of some men carrying a body bag outside Amy's house? Well, that body was Amy's! Why do you think paramedics arrived at Amy's house and there was an official statement by the police (Superintendent Raj Kohli )?

People seemed to be very bored during the pandemic...

Of course (and sadly!) she is gone. I would give away everything to see Amy alive and give her a deserved hug. She is actually my guardian angel.

I wish what you said was true but unfortunately the truth is only one.

Actually, I think pretending a fake death would be the best desicion for her, particularly at that moment of her life (alcohol addiction, cancelation of her European Tour and being the center of jokes after Belgrade). But let's be honest: it would be very difficult to sustain such a lie for a long period of time. Don't you think?

i'm very sorry i offended you, and yes, i remember seeing the body bag at the end of the 2015 film "Amy", it made me very mad.

but, i agree about the fake death. but im sincerely sorry. just to say, im a HUGE FAN of amy and would NEVER disrespect her! 

Have a good Day! and happy Late Thanksgiving! 

Please Come Back Amy!


#4 amyinourhearts



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Posted 25 November 2023 - 09:14 PM

i'm very sorry i offended you, and yes, i remember seeing the body bag at the end of the 2015 film "Amy", it made me very mad.

but, i agree about the fake death. but im sincerely sorry. just to say, im a HUGE FAN of amy and would NEVER disrespect her! 

Have a good Day! and happy Late Thanksgiving! 

It's okay. That post is shocking though. I would like to know a Brazilian fan's opinion about this.

What do you think of that?

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#5 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 28 November 2023 - 03:09 PM

It's okay. That post is shocking though. I would like to know a Brazilian fan's opinion about this.

What do you think of that?

I think that it might be an impersonator, also to go back to the entry, they state that they are drunk and tell the story all out of order. but they might me an impersonator, the shocking thing is that the last comment was from a moderator, they say "Amy Lives!" what do you think about that?

Please Come Back Amy!


#6 amyinourhearts



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Posted 29 November 2023 - 01:13 AM

I think that it might be an impersonator, also to go back to the entry, they state that they are drunk and tell the story all out of order. but they might me an impersonator, the shocking thing is that the last comment was from a moderator, they say "Amy Lives!" what do you think about that?

Very weird. I tried to track down this user "Tears Dry On Their Own" and I didn't have success. If that person reads this comment and this happens to be authentic, please send me a DM. I would love to know Brazilians' opinion about this. But, deep in my heart I know this is fake.

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#7 Queen of the Highway

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Posted 05 December 2023 - 01:27 AM

Good night people. How are you?
So, I'm Brazilian and I have family and friends who live in Rio de Janeiro.

I can say with all the certainty in the universe that Amy is unfortunately not alive. It would be impossible for a person like her, known WORLDWIDE, to simply disappear from the map, fake her death and end up in Brazil (in Santa Teresa, where she stayed for her tours).

We Brazilians are very receptive, warm and NOISY. If just ONE person had spotted Amy here in Brazil, she would never have been left aside. Thousands of fans would be chasing her daily.

There have never been similar reports or rumors here in recent years about an alleged hoax about his death.


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(Boy) you sent me flying... :amy_tongue: 

#8 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 05 December 2023 - 01:55 PM

Good night people. How are you?
So, I'm Brazilian and I have family and friends who live in Rio de Janeiro.

I can say with all the certainty in the universe that Amy is unfortunately not alive. It would be impossible for a person like her, known WORLDWIDE, to simply disappear from the map, fake her death and end up in Brazil (in Santa Teresa, where she stayed for her tours).

We Brazilians are very receptive, warm and NOISY. If just ONE person had spotted Amy here in Brazil, she would never have been left aside. Thousands of fans would be chasing her daily.

There have never been similar reports or rumors here in recent years about an alleged hoax about his death.



Please Come Back Amy!


#9 divasdinosaursandemons



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Posted 26 October 2024 - 08:50 AM

I find this thread very interesting. I hope it is true, but obviously without proof I won't believe it completely. I think it's a fine thing to believe in order to overcome the pain of losing Amy, as long as you don't bother her family. (Though granted given the horrible things that have been sent to poor Mitch about killing his daughter, this would probably be nothing, but still don't do it.) 


If there is any celeb who would have reason to and could have faked their death it's Amy. John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson are all definitely dead, but with Amy? There's enough motive and suspicion that this could be legit. 


(Incidentally I resent the idea she'd have had to have faked her death to be accepted after Belgrade. I know that the person who said it wasn't meaning to offend Amy, but I think fans can sometimes have too negative an attitude towards her life  and always assume the worst, because she was treated appallingly. However remember that bad treatment wasn't the whole story. She was beloved when she was alive too, and I think had she lived or not faked her death, she'd have had a renaissance. Attitudes towards mental health have changed, and I think like Britney and Katie Waissel, people would have thought about Amy "yeah we were assholes to that chick." I'd have loved seeing people like Eminem and Frankie Boyle squirm when Amy brought up their disgusting misogynistic treatment of her when they were trying to reinvent themselves as virtue signalling feminists.)


Anyway arguments as to why Amy could have faked her death? 


Motive: Amy hated fame more than most celebs. She openly said she would give away all her accomplishments and talent if she could walk down the street with nobody recognising her. She didn't make an album in the last 5 years of her life, and said she had done everything she wanted to do musically, she shunned the media at all cases, all her friends from the Scottish girl that lived with her, to Lily Allen said she became a recluse and hid in her flat for the last few years. Plus she regularly fled to little remote areas in life, from Ireland to St Lucia and was always happier and healthier in those places. It's very easy to imagine and hope that after the horrors of 2008, she thought "I need to get away from this or I'll be dead." And she started planning it from say 2010 on. 


Means: Obviously she was rich and well travelled so she could certainly set up a comfortable little place somewhere. She wasn't exactly broke. 


Practicality: A lot of people say "this couldn't work because people would recognise her, everybody has phones etc." I think that is short sighted. All Amy would have to do is remain low for say two years, which she could do easily. Move to some really remote place, even temporarily, take off the beehive, her make up etc. Then by say 2014 do you think if someone saw Amy walk down the street, with no beehive, no eyeliner they'd think "Amy faked her death I knew it!" At most if they took notice they'd think "She kind of looks a bit like Amy."


I'm not saying that Amy wasn't uniquely beautiful, but come on, there are LOT's of girls who look like Amy. Ferne McCann, Dana DeLorenzo etc. Human faces aren't that unique believe it or not. Lot's of people look alike. Check out Caro Emerald and Ingrid Oliver? 


Furthermore as Amy got older this would be less of a problem. Again if Amy was walking down the street with say a touch of grey hair, sunglasses in 2021 would you automatically think that was Amy? Did you know that Lana Del Rey at the absolute peak of her fame in 2012 lived in my home town of Shawlands, a tiny, crappy little town in Scotland. She shopped at my local shop and nobody knew LOL, because she obviously looked different and nobody would think "I bet Lana Del Rey lives in Shawlands of all places" so even if they saw her they would have thought "she looks a bit like Lana." And she's alive!


Furthermore maybe Amy has multiple homes around the world and only stays in Brazil for a short while? Maybe she only moved to Brazil in say 2017, and lived in Hong Kong or Japan for the first few years where she wasn't as well known? It's easier than you think. 


Iffy things around her death: Unlike Bruce Lee, Whitney Huston, or Elvis Presley, we never did see a body. There's that heartbreaking image of her body being taken away but it is covered up. Furthermore the coroner who carried out her autopsy was struck off for corruption. Then not long after she passes on, her family vanish to somewhere remote for a short while? 


Now the arguments against it are that Amy obviously did have her troubles and she would have had to overcome them completely in 2009 and 10, with everything after being staged. Also do we think that Amy would want to upset her fans? I mean if she did I wouldn't judge her. It's not her fault if we get too attached, and given that the fans showed up to boo her at her lowest eb in Belgrade I can understand Amy thinking "fuck you". Still I'm not sure she'd want to do that? 


Still like I said it's not the most ridiculous one and I just love the thought of Amy having a nice quiet, comfortable life like she always wanted for the past 14 years. 

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#10 loveAMYforever


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Posted 26 October 2024 - 11:51 AM

Sorry, but that's nonsense. We all want this so badly, but Amy is dead. Sometimes grief plays tricks on you and you believe something you want to believe. But Amy would never have shared the pain with her family. And everything was officially confirmed. The writer simply made up a story. And Elvis Presley is supposed to still be alive after the internet.

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#11 divasdinosaursandemons



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Posted 26 October 2024 - 12:19 PM

Sorry, but that's nonsense. We all want this so badly, but Amy is dead. Sometimes grief plays tricks on you and you believe something you want to believe. But Amy would never have shared the pain with her family. And everything was officially confirmed. The writer simply made up a story. And Elvis Presley is supposed to still be alive after the internet.


Probably, but just to be clear I wasn't saying that her family wouldn't be in on it. That would make Amy a sociopath to put her family through losing her. Obviously if this fantasy scenario were real, which I'm not saying it is, then her family and closest friends would 100 percent be in on it, have helped her pull it off and be visiting her every now and then.


Also the Elvis thing absolutely did not originate with the internet. I remember reading about it in a "true mysteries" book that also had bits about aliens, monsters, and goblins.  They also had a section about Jim Morrison too, including a story of someone finding him by his own grave. You gotta admit this story is better than that one LOL. 

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#12 amywinehouse.eus


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Posted 05 November 2024 - 03:44 PM

I am angry with myself. I can't believe it, much to my regret. She gives only one name: Jack Parker. If he exists and we find him, we can confirm or deny it. Even if Jack Parker is the most normal name to make up, why would she have bothered to write it down? I don't want to believe it... but I hope it's true (don't get me wrong, I don't want to spread a hoax)

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#13 divasdinosaursandemons



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Posted 13 November 2024 - 01:34 PM

I am angry with myself. I can't believe it, much to my regret. She gives only one name: Jack Parker. If he exists and we find him, we can confirm or deny it. Even if Jack Parker is the most normal name to make up, why would she have bothered to write it down? I don't want to believe it... but I hope it's true (don't get me wrong, I don't want to spread a hoax)


If nothing else it has inspired me to write a story about someone faking their death like that (don't worry it's NOT Amy in the story as that would be eh weird.) It's a fascinating idea of someone the world mourns still being alive, and you being one of the few people who knows it. 


I did check the website she mentioned in her story and it is real, but I couldn't find any Jack Parker, but given this was 4 years ago he could have easily moved. I don't think we'll ever find out the truth and it's better that way let's be honest. If it is not real (which is the most likely option) we don't want to upset her loved ones with mad conspiracy theories. If it IS real we wouldn't want to force her back into the world she left would we? 


I mean yeah the world has changed since 2011, but still it's very cruel and if this is true, she is one of the few people who managed to get out and build her own little paradise. 


It's best just to leave it as a nice thing for some fans to consider when they are upset, but otherwise leave alone I think. Sorry I brought it up again btw, I was just interested in it, as like I said beyond just wanting Amy back, it's an interesting idea. 

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#14 pinkismyfavoritecrayon


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Posted 13 November 2024 - 10:56 PM

I find this thread very interesting. I hope it is true, but obviously without proof I won't believe it completely. I think it's a fine thing to believe in order to overcome the pain of losing Amy, as long as you don't bother her family. (Though granted given the horrible things that have been sent to poor Mitch about killing his daughter, this would probably be nothing, but still don't do it.) 


If there is any celeb who would have reason to and could have faked their death it's Amy. John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, Michael Jackson are all definitely dead, but with Amy? There's enough motive and suspicion that this could be legit. 


(Incidentally I resent the idea she'd have had to have faked her death to be accepted after Belgrade. I know that the person who said it wasn't meaning to offend Amy, but I think fans can sometimes have too negative an attitude towards her life  and always assume the worst, because she was treated appallingly. However remember that bad treatment wasn't the whole story. She was beloved when she was alive too, and I think had she lived or not faked her death, she'd have had a renaissance. Attitudes towards mental health have changed, and I think like Britney and Katie Waissel, people would have thought about Amy "yeah we were assholes to that chick." I'd have loved seeing people like Eminem and Frankie Boyle squirm when Amy brought up their disgusting misogynistic treatment of her when they were trying to reinvent themselves as virtue signalling feminists.)


Anyway arguments as to why Amy could have faked her death? 


Motive: Amy hated fame more than most celebs. She openly said she would give away all her accomplishments and talent if she could walk down the street with nobody recognising her. She didn't make an album in the last 5 years of her life, and said she had done everything she wanted to do musically, she shunned the media at all cases, all her friends from the Scottish girl that lived with her, to Lily Allen said she became a recluse and hid in her flat for the last few years. Plus she regularly fled to little remote areas in life, from Ireland to St Lucia and was always happier and healthier in those places. It's very easy to imagine and hope that after the horrors of 2008, she thought "I need to get away from this or I'll be dead." And she started planning it from say 2010 on. 


Means: Obviously she was rich and well travelled so she could certainly set up a comfortable little place somewhere. She wasn't exactly broke. 


Practicality: A lot of people say "this couldn't work because people would recognise her, everybody has phones etc." I think that is short sighted. All Amy would have to do is remain low for say two years, which she could do easily. Move to some really remote place, even temporarily, take off the beehive, her make up etc. Then by say 2014 do you think if someone saw Amy walk down the street, with no beehive, no eyeliner they'd think "Amy faked her death I knew it!" At most if they took notice they'd think "She kind of looks a bit like Amy."


I'm not saying that Amy wasn't uniquely beautiful, but come on, there are LOT's of girls who look like Amy. Ferne McCann, Dana DeLorenzo etc. Human faces aren't that unique believe it or not. Lot's of people look alike. Check out Caro Emerald and Ingrid Oliver? 


Furthermore as Amy got older this would be less of a problem. Again if Amy was walking down the street with say a touch of grey hair, sunglasses in 2021 would you automatically think that was Amy? Did you know that Lana Del Rey at the absolute peak of her fame in 2012 lived in my home town of Shawlands, a tiny, crappy little town in Scotland. She shopped at my local shop and nobody knew LOL, because she obviously looked different and nobody would think "I bet Lana Del Rey lives in Shawlands of all places" so even if they saw her they would have thought "she looks a bit like Lana." And she's alive!


Furthermore maybe Amy has multiple homes around the world and only stays in Brazil for a short while? Maybe she only moved to Brazil in say 2017, and lived in Hong Kong or Japan for the first few years where she wasn't as well known? It's easier than you think. 


Iffy things around her death: Unlike Bruce Lee, Whitney Huston, or Elvis Presley, we never did see a body. There's that heartbreaking image of her body being taken away but it is covered up. Furthermore the coroner who carried out her autopsy was struck off for corruption. Then not long after she passes on, her family vanish to somewhere remote for a short while? 


Now the arguments against it are that Amy obviously did have her troubles and she would have had to overcome them completely in 2009 and 10, with everything after being staged. Also do we think that Amy would want to upset her fans? I mean if she did I wouldn't judge her. It's not her fault if we get too attached, and given that the fans showed up to boo her at her lowest eb in Belgrade I can understand Amy thinking "fuck you". Still I'm not sure she'd want to do that? 


Still like I said it's not the most ridiculous one and I just love the thought of Amy having a nice quiet, comfortable life like she always wanted for the past 14 years. 

I had to bring this up, but those women look nothing like Amy!

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#15 loveAMYforever


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Posted 14 November 2024 - 01:32 PM

I'll write it again, it's complete nonsense. It's extremely disrespectful, to Amy and also to us fans. There are so many people on the internet with sick imaginations. This post should be deleted immediately.

And by the way, if this nonsense were true and involved Amy's family, the Amy Winehouse Foundation would be sued for it.

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