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question about lyrics in b2b

amy lyrics

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#1 whatisitaboutmen


    it’s a bit upsetting at the end, isn’t it?

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Posted 22 May 2024 - 07:25 PM

i've always wondered what amy meant by "you love blow and i love puff." now, i have two ideas on what she meant & feel free to share how you took it or if she explained it somewhere i haven't seen/heard.


  1. blow aka cocaine is a quick high and puff aka marijuana is a engulfing high. so when she said you love blow, blake likes a quick relationship or hookup. then i love puff, amy wants more from the relationship than just a hookup.


  2. when amy met blake he was already doing blow and she was more of a puff girl. she says before that love isn't enough and she always wanted to do anything he did otherwise he'd be there & she'd be here. so, maybe she felt that the love wasn't enough because she didn't do blow, which kept them two separate entities?

  • Carlo20 likes this

he can only hold her for so long, the lights are on but no one's home.

#2 yourshadowcoversme914


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Posted 22 May 2024 - 07:40 PM

i've always wondered what amy meant by "you love blow and i love puff." now, i have two ideas on what she meant & feel free to share how you took it or if she explained it somewhere i haven't seen/heard.

1. blow aka cocaine is a quick high and puff aka marijuana is a engulfing high. so when she said you love blow, blake likes a quick relationship or hookup. then i love puff, amy wants more from the relationship than just a hookup.

2. when amy met blake he was already doing blow and she was more of a puff girl. she says before that love isn't enough and she always wanted to do anything he did otherwise he'd be there & she'd be here. so, maybe she felt that the love wasn't enough because she didn't do blow, which kept them two separate entities?

I agree with you; those are both very valid interpretations. Your first point made me think of “for you I was a flame…five story fire as you came”: she’s just a flame to him, but to her, he’s way more than that.

I always interpreted it more like the second point; their differences drove them apart.
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