The best version I could find
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (UHD 4K 50fps) @simoncat6786 - YouTube
Posted 23 November 2024 - 07:25 PM
The best version I could find
Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (UHD 4K 50fps) @simoncat6786 - YouTube
Posted 27 November 2024 - 01:53 PM
Amazing. Thanks. I'd love to see the colored version though.
The words at the end "RIP the heart of Amy" so telling, so predictable. I never understood why they erased that part when they uploaded the official video in 2009. Maybe because of her state?
I can see you ahead of me. But I'm not always forward-thinking
Posted 28 November 2024 - 02:38 AM
from what I know (I don't remember the source or where I heard or read it) they removed the sign with the writing to prevent anyone from going digging convinced they would find something there.
Sorry. I am not a native and I didn't understand what you said.
I can see you ahead of me. But I'm not always forward-thinking
Posted 30 November 2024 - 02:15 AM
I've never seen a color version of this video. Are you sure that even exists? And I don't like it when they remove something, if Amy wanted it to be that way, it should have been in the video.
I am not an editing professional or similar, but I guess all videos are recorded in colour and then converted into B & W right? Or probably it was recorded in B & W from the scratch.
I can see you ahead of me. But I'm not always forward-thinking
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