so, this is a very controversial topic & i think i can be known to start controversial things lol. however, i'm raised christian & one to believe in spirits but not so much with astrology. i think it's interesting but i wouldn't trust in it 100%. i don't judge anyone who does practice or believes different & honestly this topic is perfect for someone who does practice, hence i have no clue. i've heard a lot about how amy's chart has fame and addiction in it. and like no matter what she did fame would've found its way to her. this kinda makes sense because the more she ran from fame was the more it wanted her. i also believe cynthia knew amy wouldn't live long. i have also said this before that i think amy or cynthia did tarot. personally, i think this does nothing but open a gateway for bad spirits.
do you think fame/dying young was all that was to come for amy? could amy have lived a normal life? do you think amy knew? because i've read somewhere that amy told someone she would die young but i can't find the source.
all of this is so interesting to me because whenever you hear someone talk about amy, they always say she was just different. even as a child, she stood out or was so advanced to her peers. like she was gifted. & like she said she was her own worst enemy because she slacked in school that she could've done with her eyes closed. she's so complexed & i find it interesting how she had all these problems & she was extremely smart & knew what she was doing & but let self-destruction/self-sabotage win & did herself in.