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#31 AmyInBlood


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 06:13 AM

I don't know we'll see... :'-(

I love you so much Amy! :D

#32 Mutterkorn1



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 07:21 AM

:heart:Posted Image

#33 Mutterkorn1



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 07:24 AM

:heart:Posted Image

#34 AmyInBlood


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 11:08 AM

Thanks for the help. I'll see what to do but I still miss her sooo much. It's awful.


I love you so much Amy! :D

#35 AmyInBlood


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 11:09 AM

Thanks for the help. I'll see what to do but I still miss her sooo much. It's awful.


I love you so much Amy! :D

#36 YouShouldBeStrongerThanMe


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 11:34 AM

After Amy's death my mom said: "Well, she did no good. She made two boring albums and she was not a great influence for youngsters. So let's forget her. She did no difference anyway".
That hurt me a lot, too, because I was devastated about her death and my mom even bought Amy's album once. I do not know how she could say something like that.
That is why I think you should talk with a psychologist. They cannot tell or judge.

#37 tunisianswife



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 04:12 PM

so sorry that your parents are not understanding. it is very insensitive to your feelings Tilde and AmyinBlood. I am not a parent but I know if my child had a certain interest(be it something that I either agreed w/ or disagreed w/) I would try to understand what it was about it that made them have the interest.

this problem is really not so much about Amy, but about YOU AND YOUR INABILITY TO COPE. I think any parent would want to know that their child is hurting and try to find a way to solve it. We all know that Amy's parents were less than enthused that she had a drug problem but the drugs themselves was not as much the issue, but how to make their daughter better. same thing applies here.

you really have nothing to lose by telling your parents. at the very least, they will know that you are having a problem and may be able to help try to get you help.

I do wish you the best because this is unhealthy.
:'-(She was the DiVinci of my music world!

#38 Johanna


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 06:13 PM

I think he's a boy :-P I agree with what you said though.

Same as MY PARENTS thougt at me with my birth . :-$ The boy is aged 16 now i see . At age 6 i choose the type of girl as Amy was as a role-model , not telling to anyone becouse of ashamed for not wanted to be a boy . I have waited another 30 year before telling my problem . :'-( If Amy-in blood has the same problem : Do,nt wait another 20 year ! :-S

#39 Johanna


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 06:40 PM

Don't think I'm crazy or anything. But I don't know what to do. I miss Amy so much. I can't stop crying, I'm crying 24/7, every time I think about her I cry, I can't describe how I feel. It's the worst feeling I ever had. I love her more than anyone else on this world. I'm thinking of her 24/7. Just imagine you lost someone you love the most. Then you'll kind of know how I feel. I would really like to see some suggestions because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stand this anymore and I can't live without her. I would sacrifice my life to bring her back. I lost the will for living. I don't care about anything now. It's just, simply said a living hell. HELP PLEASE! :'-(

In fact we all feel the same as you Stefan . :'-( "Life is a piece of SHIT , when you look at it" Monty Python has helped me troug life for decades ! B-) Many of us have suffered the lost of beloved ones . Amy was very sad by the lost of her nan Cynthia . The album "Back to black" was dadicated by Amy to her nan Cynthia . She wrote in the lirics book : "Love you Cyntie , do'nt stop visit me in my dreams " . Maybe Cynthia was visiting Amy in her dream and taked her by the hand . You are 16 Stevan , you had to live your live . I am much older than you and not suicidal but have realy a deadwish . Live your life Stefan and dream of Amy if she wants to visit you like i do . When she visit you in your dream ask her to take you with her like i want to do . The place where SHE is now can't be worser than the place WE are now , do you think also ? B-)

#40 Winehousedrunk


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 06:54 PM

Don't think I'm crazy or anything. But I don't know what to do. I miss Amy so much. I can't stop crying, I'm crying 24/7, every time I think about her I cry, I can't describe how I feel. It's the worst feeling I ever had. I love her more than anyone else on this world. I'm thinking of her 24/7. Just imagine you lost someone you love the most. Then you'll kind of know how I feel. I would really like to see some suggestions because I don't know what to do anymore. I can't stand this anymore and I can't live without her. I would sacrifice my life to bring her back. I lost the will for living. I don't care about anything now. It's just, simply said a living hell. HELP PLEASE! :'-(

It is hard, nearly impossible and perhaps a little bit crazy to be "glad" with pain, but the depth of what you feel makes you very human, which is in itself a beautiful thing, though you might not see it this way, or see it this way yet. Your humanity, like Amy's, is a great gift, so maybe you should treasure it, like you, we treasure Amy's, and we all would love to bring her back, if we could, and though we can't, we can love the love that Amy was about nonetheless, and love the love that we are about too. Amy and us, we are sparks of an eternal flame, the human soul. Let it burn brightly through living, using your talents, as Amy did so brilliantly. And you already do, by sharing your deepest feelings with us. I can't put it any clearer right now, but I hope that it makes some sense to you.
Amy Winehouse died, and she's taken a part of my soul with her. May that part be the love that I felt for her, and may the love that I still feel for her be the undying part of us both.

#41 AmyInBlood


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Posted 10 October 2011 - 07:43 PM

I got two bad grades today. I can't study anything. I can't do anything without my girl... I don't know what to do... :'-( Thanks to everybody for helping.

I love you so much Amy! :D

#42 Elsie



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Posted 10 October 2011 - 08:08 PM

You seriously need to get a grip. Regardless of the emotional connection we all had with her and her music, the obssessiveness is unhealthy and, frankly, really worrying. It all seems somewhat triggered by some lack of interests and boredom, doesn't it? These things can take you to a very unpleasant place if you decide to embrace them, trust me. Find something to do with your time, find someone to help you find what you want to do if you can't decide by yourself. There is help there if you want it. Self-pity never did anything.

He still stands in spite of what his Mars bar says.

#43 YouShouldBeStrongerThanMe


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 12:13 AM

so sorry that your parents are not understanding. it is very insensitive to your feelings Tilde and AmyinBlood.
this problem is really not so much about Amy, but about YOU AND YOUR INABILITY TO COPE.

I do wish you the best because this is unhealthy.

I do not know if you was also talking to me but I was coming up with an example what he could do if it was too hard to talk with his parents. I would rather talk with someone else than my mom after she said that do me. But if you also wrote that one to me. Thanks for your concern but I'm actually not grieving that much after these two months after Amy's death. I'm accepting it.

#44 YouShouldBeStrongerThanMe


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 12:19 AM


Have you ever wondered that it is maybe something deeper that you just don't see? of course you are sad about Amy, but maybe your reacting is so severe because something is hidden underneath it all. Maybe you are grieving about something you relate with Amy's death. Don't know if you know it or you just don't see it yourself, but it could be supplanted.

#45 Divine_Comedy


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Posted 11 October 2011 - 02:27 AM

I think it is alright to feel the way you do. Some people have more intense feelings than others. You simply have so much love for her. Regardless of whether you know a person, it is possible to adore someone so much. When something happens to them, it's understandable to have such powerful emotion. In time, it will get better. We were all heartbroken, but it's not right to judge or say you shouldn't feel the way you do. Everything gets easier over time. Just remember there's nothing you can do to change what has happened, just learn to accept it. It's a terrible thing to lose anyone you care for. It is only natural to be upset, just try to hang in there and everything will be alright. It is such a shame and a great loss for us all. We are here for you and you are not alone. Just try to think of how much of an impact she's had on your life. No, there will never be another artist like her. Just remember, her life is something to be celebrated. She has left a mark on you heart and I think that is beautiful. It will get better, sweetie, just try to take it day by day. xx

*and if what calls itself a world should
have the luck to hear such singing*


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