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Was Amy A Sacrifice To The Illuminati?

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#1 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 10:45 PM

Hey all!

My mom was just telling me about reading a article recently claiming Amy was ASSOCIATED with someone who was with this "Illuminati". She told me something about Jay-Z being in it. Didnt the music company release the remix with him AFTER Amy passed?? 

I told mom that Amy didn't seem like the kind of person who would be associated with that kind of fuckery/ mess.

She didn't remember the article, if any of you guys have seen this article please link it for us to check out. I sure hope this isn't fucking true. poor Amy.

Please Come Back Amy!


#2 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 10:50 PM

look at this stupid video... 

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Please Come Back Amy!


#3 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 10:54 PM


Please Come Back Amy!


#4 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 11:03 PM


Amy Winehouse was programmed since birth or rather born into ritual/typical Mk-Ultra abuse, and Kelly Osbourne tweeted that who is also a Mk-Ultra slave whom her dad has the key to her alters. Rehab is another word or code for reprogramming, so yes she was in her programmed alter/state of mind (dissociation) when she died. Her last performance was 3 days before her death, and 3 years before her death, she was in an art sculpture of her in a pool of blood from her brain (Mind Control) and a Minnie Mouse mask (Mickey mouse programming). Found ‘dead’ on 7/23/11, age 27 and 311 days. Obviously masonic 311 stands for 3 x 11 or 33 (degree). Since she is a member of the 27 Club, the amount of days after they turned 27 is important and counted. So exactly on the 311th day after tuning 27 she is dead. Interesting how the whole date together (7+2+3+1+1) is 14 and 27 (2 x 7) is 14. 7x2=14 3x11=33 or 7x2=14 3+11=14 so 14/14 from the date: (7/2)(3/11) 7/23/11 . Now using the total 14: 14-11 is 3 and 14-3=11. See the pattern? 2011 (2+0+1+1) is 13. Numerology works with a number/number, so (2+3+1+1)=7 or 7/7. 14/14 was used too. Double digits or the same number repeated 77 gives power to the ritual. Add the numbers (7+2+3+11), you get 23 altogether. Add (7+2+3+2+0+11), you get 25 or 7. Artists are known to die on the date 25/age 25 or age 27. This is because 25 in the occult stands for 7 while 27 stands for 9. 7, 9, 11, 13, 23, 25, and 33 are occult numbers which are all used in the date. Her tattoos consists of a bluebird, ruby shoes, lightening. Kelly Osbourne tweeted this: “I miss my friend. I’m going to be off Twitter for awhile. Thank you for all your support!” How many artists said the same exact thing when someone in their family died or a friend? Soulja Boy and Nicki Minaj both tweeted 'thanks for the support’ or 'i’m going to be off twitter for a while’. Always on twitter (bird dehumanization). The 'support’ or thanking from their fans is part of the whole ritual sacrifice the feed off the mass media publication. The number 27 is a lunar symbol, for light in darkness or light itself. 27 Club consists of other artists specifically rock who also had problems with drugs, addiction, and substance abuse which led them to death or a ritual sacrifice. Note this. At age 27, there’s the highest brain activity, and then it starts to deteriorate slowly. That’s why it’s called the “Forever 27 Club” or 27 curse. It is linked with Mk-Ultra- living “forever young”. She was a blood sacrifice to Kelly Osbourne (most likely) and a planned out solstice sacrifice. It’s summer solstice and age 27 is lunar itself. R.I.P

Please Come Back Amy!


#5 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 11:12 PM


Please Come Back Amy!


#6 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 11:13 PM

this is going to make me cry. I might put myself out of my own misery. no kidding

Please Come Back Amy!


#7 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 11:15 PM

any one got a video of this


There was a less conventional dimension to the spell her grandmother cast on Amy: Cynthia was a keen Tarot card reader. Amy inherited her grandmother's belief in the power of Tarot: she was often seen with a pack of Tarot cards in her hand and when asked if she believed her grandmother could read the future, Amy nodded solemnly and said "Cynthia knew..."

Please Come Back Amy!


#8 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 02 March 2024 - 11:15 PM

scares me more


Given the reckless, fatalistic way Amy began to behave in the aftermath of Cynthia's death, the question arises: had something she had read in the cards disturbed her? There are hints in the grave mood and lyrics of her second album to suggest that she believed she was doomed. In the titular Back To Black, Amy sang about her "odds being stacked" and in Love Is A Losing Game she lamented receiving a "losing hand".

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Please Come Back Amy!


#9 paradise



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Posted 03 March 2024 - 12:42 AM

I don't necessarily think she was a sacrifice but i personally believe she was treated horribly by the music industry because she didn't sell her soul and stayed true to herself. Especially after hearing all the stuff that Diddy did and the kind of parties he had... Amy rarely went to big name industry parties bc she knew the bs that happened there. Idk I'm 50/50 on the whole illuminati and 27 club stuff bc yeah maybe it is true... u always here crazy stuff going on in the music/hollywood industry but most people in the 27 club struggled with substance abuse and mental illness/trauma  :unsure:

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#10 paradise



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Posted 03 March 2024 - 12:45 AM

I do think the "rehab" thing is weird bc I heard the same stuff about Kanye when he went to a mental health facility and came out with blond hair and kinda changed his whole vibe... Apparently it has to do with MK Ultra "brainwashing" stuff.... and Amy had blonde hair as well?!?

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#11 paradise



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Posted 03 March 2024 - 12:46 AM

It's so confusing lol... I don't like sounding like one those silly conspiracy ppl but sometimes it's just too weird and coincidental. 

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#12 TakeTheBox03


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Posted 03 March 2024 - 02:02 AM

It's so confusing lol... I don't like sounding like one those silly conspiracy ppl but sometimes it's just too weird and coincidental. 

lol me either. its scary to me

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Please Come Back Amy!


#13 CherryXOXO



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Posted 03 March 2024 - 11:11 AM

Immediate no.
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#14 loveAMYforever


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Posted 04 March 2024 - 04:17 PM



Amy Winehouse was programmed since birth or rather born into ritual/typical Mk-Ultra abuse, and Kelly Osbourne tweeted that who is also a Mk-Ultra slave whom her dad has the key to her alters. Rehab is another word or code for reprogramming, so yes she was in her programmed alter/state of mind (dissociation) when she died. Her last performance was 3 days before her death, and 3 years before her death, she was in an art sculpture of her in a pool of blood from her brain (Mind Control) and a Minnie Mouse mask (Mickey mouse programming). Found ‘dead’ on 7/23/11, age 27 and 311 days. Obviously masonic 311 stands for 3 x 11 or 33 (degree). Since she is a member of the 27 Club, the amount of days after they turned 27 is important and counted. So exactly on the 311th day after tuning 27 she is dead. Interesting how the whole date together (7+2+3+1+1) is 14 and 27 (2 x 7) is 14. 7x2=14 3x11=33 or 7x2=14 3+11=14 so 14/14 from the date: (7/2)(3/11) 7/23/11 . Now using the total 14: 14-11 is 3 and 14-3=11. See the pattern? 2011 (2+0+1+1) is 13. Numerology works with a number/number, so (2+3+1+1)=7 or 7/7. 14/14 was used too. Double digits or the same number repeated 77 gives power to the ritual. Add the numbers (7+2+3+11), you get 23 altogether. Add (7+2+3+2+0+11), you get 25 or 7. Artists are known to die on the date 25/age 25 or age 27. This is because 25 in the occult stands for 7 while 27 stands for 9. 7, 9, 11, 13, 23, 25, and 33 are occult numbers which are all used in the date. Her tattoos consists of a bluebird, ruby shoes, lightening. Kelly Osbourne tweeted this: “I miss my friend. I’m going to be off Twitter for awhile. Thank you for all your support!” How many artists said the same exact thing when someone in their family died or a friend? Soulja Boy and Nicki Minaj both tweeted 'thanks for the support’ or 'i’m going to be off twitter for a while’. Always on twitter (bird dehumanization). The 'support’ or thanking from their fans is part of the whole ritual sacrifice the feed off the mass media publication. The number 27 is a lunar symbol, for light in darkness or light itself. 27 Club consists of other artists specifically rock who also had problems with drugs, addiction, and substance abuse which led them to death or a ritual sacrifice. Note this. At age 27, there’s the highest brain activity, and then it starts to deteriorate slowly. That’s why it’s called the “Forever 27 Club” or 27 curse. It is linked with Mk-Ultra- living “forever young”. She was a blood sacrifice to Kelly Osbourne (most likely) and a planned out solstice sacrifice. It’s summer solstice and age 27 is lunar itself. R.I.P


#15 loveAMYforever


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Posted 04 March 2024 - 04:17 PM


Sorry, but that's absolute nonsense. All sorts of myths are now mixed up. The video wasn't from a few days before her death, but in 2004 and Amy meant it as a joke. MK ULTRA was an extensive secret CIA research program into mind control options (1953-1970). Ultimately, it was clear that human consciousness could neither be erased nor reprogrammed. And Amy has nothing to do with the Illuminati, which was a secret society for a time and wanted to further develop society through education. I know everyone here is looking for explanations for Amy's often irrational behavior, but in my opinion it simply had to do with her mental illnesses and the sick environment that existed around her. She probably suffered (like so many before her) from an emotionally unstable personality disorder (borderline syndrome) and this reached its peak around the age of 27.


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